2020 Reading List

2020 was a year filled with much loss and ambiguity, but it was also filled with many hidden blessings. One of those was the opportunity to spend a little bit more time reading. My annual goal has been to read 50 books per year. I eclipsed that by 20 this year, yay me! Some were great, others weren’t; but in the end I’m grateful for the journey and the learning.

  1. Force of Nature by Jane Harper

  2. Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson

  3. The Glory of Preaching by Darrell Johnson

  4. How to Pray: a simple guide for normal people by Pete Greig 

  5. You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith

  6. The Lost World of the Flood by Longman and Walton

  7. Eternity is Now in Session by John Ortberg

  8. The Broker by John Grisham

  9. The Care of Souls by Harold Senkbeil

  10. The Naked Anabaptist by Stuart Murray

  11. The Winding Path of Transformation by Jerrrey Tacklind

  12. The Burden is Light by Jon Tyson

  13. Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Warren

  14. (Re)Union by Bruxy Cavey

  15. It is Finished by Darrell Johnson

  16. Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning

  17. The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen

  18. Long Way to Mercy by David Baldacci

  19. Being Disciples by Rowan Williams 

  20. Your World-Class Assistant by Michael Hyatt

  21. Revival in the Hebrides by Duncan Campbell

  22. How to Follow Jesus by Craig Springer

  23. Building a Discipling Culture by Mike Breen

  24. Dissident Discipleship by David Augsburger

  25. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

  26. The Holy Longing by Ronald Rolheiser 

  27. Half the Church by Carolyn Curtis James

  28. Telling Secrets by Frederick Buechner

  29. The Big Idea by Dave Ferguson 

  30. Water from a Deep Well by Gerry Sittser

  31. Practice Resurrection by Eugene Peterson

  32. Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis

  33. For the Life of the World by Alexander Schmemann

  34. No Country for Old Men Cormak McCarthy

  35. The Day the Revolution Began by NT Wright

  36. Rediscipling the White Church by David Swanson

  37. Renovated by Jim Wilder

  38. Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

  39. The Escape by David Baldacci

  40. The Beatitudes by Darrell Johnson

  41. Beautiful Resistance by Jon Tyson

  42. The Martian by Andy Weir

  43. Moneyball by Michael Lewis

  44. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

  45. The Pursuit of God by AW Tozer

  46. My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing 

  47. Becoming a King by Morgan Snyder

  48. Daniel Dilemma by Chris Hodges

  49. The Guardians by John Grisham

  50. The Lion and the Lamb by Brennan Manning

  51.  Thriving in Babylon by Larry Osborne

  52. Everything is Spiritual by Rob Bell

  53. Intensional by DA Horton

  54. Kingdom Values, Vol. 1 by Jon Tyson and Suzy Silk

  55. Kingdom Vision, Vol. 2 by Tyson and Silk

  56. Broken Signposts by NT Wright

  57. Rethinking Hell by Chris Date

  58. Postcards from Babylon by Brian Zahnd

  59. From Megachurch to Multiplication by Chris Galanos

  60. The Message of Daniel by Dale Ralph Davis

  61. Rumors of Another World by Phillip Yancey

  62. Letter to a Young Pastor by Eugene Peterson

  63. Total Control by David Baldacci

  64. Leading Change without Losing it by Carey Neuheoff

  65. Spiritual Formation by Henri Nouwen

  66. Honest Advent by Scott Erickson

  67. Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

  68. Tempered Resilience by Tod Bolsinger

  69.  Soul Care by Rob Reimer

  70. The Whisper Man by Alex North

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