Ryan Paulson

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God and Country - Part 3

There has been some great discussion on both sides of the argument about whether or not we should sing patriotic songs during worship. I really appreciate the people who have engaged the discussion and thoughtfully and biblically and attempted to seek an irenic and gospel-centered way forward. 

There are a few good articles that I've come across as I've been studying and reading on this subject. Some of these have been sent to me and others are ones that I found. Not all of them agree with my perspective on this issue, but if you're looking for some more resources, they might be helpful. If there are those you think I should add, please post them in the comments and I’ll do my best to link to them in the body.

This article was written by a music minister and she captured so much of the journey behind choosing songs and wanting to honor tradition and people, but remain true to worshiping God. She did a far better job of managing that tension than I did in my article. I commend this piece both as a reflection on the journey and a pragmatic, thoughtful, and biblical solution.


This is an article from a New Testament professor at BIOLA. In it he asks and answers numerous questions about the topic by simply pointing people to the scriptures. This seems helpful when a topic is surrounded by much emotion on both sides.


This is an article by John Piper where he responded to the very question we have been wrestling with - specifically, the singing of patriotic songs during worship services. His answer is very biblically informed (in my opinion) and he gives some helpful principles to consider.


This article gives a very brief overview of the history of patriotic songs in worship. It lists the top patriotic songs sung in American churches - which I thought was pretty interesting. The article also pointed out that Isaac Watts, the great hymn writer, used to write patriotic songs about Britain using the Psalms and substituting Britain for Israel (not something I'd be in favor of, by the way). 


This article is about the differences between Christian nationalism and Christian patriotism. I think the distinction is very important and one that is worth wrestling with. I think it hits home for me because I’d consider myself a patriot, but certainly don’t want to drift into nationalism.


I hope some of these articles help aid you as you continue to wrestle with the scriptures and how to honor our nation and the heroes in our midst, but to reserve our worship for Christ alone. Thanks for joining me on the journey!